How to Succeed with Virtual Showings During a Pandemic

Defining a Virtual Showing:

The first step in finding success with a virtual showing is to understand what a virtual showing is. A virtual showing is a real-time, interactive appointment involving an agent and a potential buyer. The biggest difference between an in-person tour and a virtual showing is that buyers do not get to see the property in person, meaning the agent shows the property utilizing an app through a smartphone or tablet.

You also have the option to schedule a virtual open house, the main difference between a virtual showing and a virtual open house is that a virtual showing is much more personal. A virtual open house, much like a virtual showing, is also a live interactive event that is coordinated through an app; however, any number of potential purchasers can join in during the hours of the event.

Which App is the Right App?

The first step to a successful virtual showing is determining which app your buyer is most familiar with. This is usually a pretty simple step and can be determined simply by asking very early on. Some older buyers may not be as informed when it comes to the app options, so explaining a few different choices could be helpful. Some of the most popular video apps include:

FaceTime: (Apple)

Google Duo: (Apple, Android, & Google Smartphones)

Google Hangouts: (Video calls, messaging, and audio calls for Apple, Android, & Google Smartphones)

The above mentioned apps are best for a one-to-one interaction with potential buyers. If your plan is to host a virtual open house, apps such as Facebook Live or Zoom are more useful since they are designed for large groups to connect. 

Tips for Success:

First and foremost, always try to schedule virtual showings during the day. The spaces will be seen better with the help of natural light and this will also allow prospective buyers to see the exterior of the home. 

A virtual showing will vary slightly from what you are used to when doing an in-person showing. One thing that remains the same is that you will more often than not start with the exterior of the home before moving indoors. Once inside, it’s best to slowly make your way through the space so buyers can digest the space more. When you get to a new room, stand either in a corner or a doorway and make sure to show clients the entire room, while also pointing out important features they may not notice over the video call. It’s also important to remember that it can be hard to really grasp the size of a space virtually, so make sure to stress dimensions to those touring, even using a common object for reference to help buyers better visualize the size of a space.

Lastly, make sure you allow your client to ask as many questions as they want. You are playing the role of their on-site eyes and hands and not being able to physically see the space can require more context and information. It also is helpful to ask for feedback at the end of the tour so you can continue to improve your virtual showing skills.

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